Which is better, Thrive Architect or Thrive Theme?

Comparing Thrive Architect with Thrive Themes? Well, Thrive Themes is not a product (it’s a package); rather, you should consider Thrive Architect Vs Thrive Builder. Then I have to tell you that both are the products of Thrive Themes only.

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And if you are not able to choose whether you should pick a page builder or Theme builder, then I will help you to pick the right one.

Thrive Architect Or Thrive Theme Builder?

Thrive Theme Builder is a complete WordPress theme builder which Thrive Architect backs. Using Thrive Builder, you can customize your entire website without hiring any developer. On top of that, you can also customize page-level designs and create a completely new design when Thrive Architect is a page builder only, which helps Thrive Builder to enhance the designs further. But if you want to use Thrive Architect alone, then also you can create stunning landing pages, but you can’t control the entire website design. You have to create every page alone.

Which Is Best For Developers?

So, if your requirement is just to design a few landing pages or a custom homepage, then Thrive Architect is enough for you. But if you are planning to re-create your entire website, and want to create a visually appealing website, then you can use Thrive Builder and create a completely new look.

If you are running a WordPress theme development business, then investing in Thrive Theme Builder will definitely help you as you can create various designs for your customers. But as an individual, if you want to create a few landing pages without disturbing your existing theme design, then I am Thrive Architect will be enough. If you want to make a real deal as a developer, then you must check out Thrive Membership Plan.

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