Thrive Themes never offer any coupon codes or promo codes. Even if you find various articles claiming about Thrive Themes Coupon, they are actually offering nothing. Officially there is no such discount on any of Thrive Themes products. If you buy for multiple websites (e.g., up to 5 sites), you will definitely get some default discount.
Get ready for a 60% Off on Thrive Themes during this summer of 2023. Keep track of Thrive Themes discount page for more details. Make sure to read the review of Thrive Suite.
When you analyze Thrive Themes’ pricing options, you will easily find that they either offer single products or Thrive Suite 2021. All single product purchases are based on a number of website-based subscriptions. When the membership package is available on either annual billing or quarterly billing options.
Disclaimer: Thrive Themes doesn’t offer any single product now. You must purchase Thrive Suite, the complete collection, to access all their products. You can go for the quarterly subscription by paying $149/quarter or get 1-year access by paying $299/year after applying Thrive Themes Discount. For more details, visit the Thrive Suite official page.
If you buy Thrive Suite for 1 year, you will get a discount of 24% on the total. That is the only discount you will get when you subscribe to their plan. They are promoting that plan as $19/mo when you buy for 1 year with a 24% Thrive Themes discount.

FAQs: People Also Asked About Thrive Themes
Is Thrive Themes Good to Use with WooCommerce?
Yes, Thrive Themes is compatible with eCommerce websites keeping in mind that your website is built on WordPress CMS only, as all the tools of Thrive Themes are nothing but WordPress Plugins.
Can we use thrive themes plugin with our HTML code, or is it only for WordPress?
All Thrive Themes products can be used only on WordPress-based websites only. Thrive Themes products are created as WordPress plugins, so they can’t be used on any other type of website.
Are thrive themes good for SEO?
With Thrive Themes products, you can only design a website or pages. You have to make sure your on-page SEO score is well accomplished. On top of that, due to the many actionable elements added by Thrive Themes, your website interaction will increase, which will help to improve the website’s SEO score.
More Thrive Themes Questions
- Which is better, ThriveThemes or Elementor (Thrive Suite Vs Elementor: )
- Do Thrive themes rank well in Google SERP?
- Can we use Thrive Suite plugin with our HTML code or is it only for WordPress?
- Where do I enter my Thrive Themes promo codes?
- Which WordPress theme should I purchase Genesis, Elegant or Thrive?
- Which is better, Thrive architect or Thrive Theme?
- How do I convert a Thrive theme-based website to another theme?
- How do I change from a Thrive theme to another WordPress theme?
- Have you tried Thrive Theme Builder? How was your experience?
- Is Thrive Theme Free?
- Is Thrive Themes Good To Use With WooCommerce?
- Is Thrive Themes Worth It?
- Can I Get Thrive Themes Lifetime Membership?